Sunday, May 07, 2006

The next series of pics are the removal of a beautiful old beech. It was a triple stem tree but one broke out in the snow storm. Dynamic cabling could have prevented this. John took down one stem and I took the other. This pic shows the ripped out piece. The tree was in S�lln, a very nice area south of Munich.

John making the face cut before dropping the top. His Tshirt says, "Not only am I perfect, I'm also Scottish". Wish I had a photographer...
Ok, so the order is wrong. Here is a short vid of the stem being felled. I was already inspecting another tree.

John fixing to push a piece off. Notice the snow in the background?

Another piece away. John doesn't waste time.

Here is John cutting. I had to put my foot in there for reference. I was waiting for him to finish so I could complete my half. That is Danny (Irish) in the green shirt.

John pushing pieces off. He just cut straight through and then stuck a little wedge in to keep the saw from pinching.

This is a famous biergarten, the Wald Wirtschaft (Forest Business). It was the 1st place I worked with John. This is in the $$$ part of Munich where all the who's who goes to see and be seen. I climber to the tippy top of the tree on the left. Sorry, no pics.

Well, it has been a long time since I updated the blog. Honestly, the gray sky of Germany makes for major light problems and dull photos. Spring time is here!

On Saturdays, I have been working for a Scottish Arborist, John. He has been doing tree work for 20yrs. Knows a lot of tricks. Very old school, but very fast. His son, Paul, is the climber who gave me a ride to the hospital in December.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Well, the pics this week are once again a lime tree. Basswood in the US, Linden in German. This tree had a lot of rot in it plus it has several "old tree surgery" things in it like pipes, through bolts, and cement. Because of the above, I felled the tree at ground level to avoid the hardware and cement. It was gravel in the bottom of the tree that killed the chain for a finish. Listen in the chainsaw, just the sound of wood giving way. At least the snow is pretty much gone!

Pipes in the tree!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Back in Germany. Finished with my 1st week of work. There is a lot to do because there was a big snow storm the night before we returned from Thailand. Lots of small stuff like little broken limbs, but a few challenges like this. Things like this make storm work dangerous. One tree is leaning on the other. I 1st cut the supporting tree until the backcut opened a little and then felled them at the same time by cutting the twisted one. Like it or not, I am back in Germany and there is a lot of work to do. I miss the sunny weather in Australia and Thailand......

Too much snow. This is damage up close. Linden (tilia, basswood) is very soft. You can see how it bent and folded.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The blog of Australia would not be complete without the pic of this huge Queensland Brushbox.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

All that is left of a tree in Brisbane, Queensland. Hot up there! Victoria was more my speed and weather.

Nice view of the ocean from over 200ft up a Eucalyptus regnans.

Almost at the top. Glad I took my time to give this monster tree a climb the view from the top was great!

Taking a break on the way up....

Looking down on the way up. Ants!

Finally got my chance at a big tree. This Eucalyptus regans was over 200ft tall. Tall, with no taper. The 1st limb was over 60ft up!

Here is a 75yrs stand of redwoods in the Otways, in Victoria.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Blog doesn't post these in sequence unfortunately, but here is a potentially dangerous situation that thankfully, I didn't climb.

Here is Trevor at the top. A lot of wind!

Broken top. Scary stuff! Trevor has climbed right underneath it.

See him now?

Here they are taking out the stumps. Germans have blue overalls, Aussies love high visablility work clothes.

"Ute" Australian for little pick up. They are quite fond of El Caminos here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The sign says it all.

Looky, looky, maybe I can get a job in Melbourne. It would be a really cool city to work in with a wide variety of trees. Australian trees mixed with lots of European and North American trees.