Thursday, April 28, 2005

I removed this lead this afternoon due to a large crack at the union with the stem. Pics don't do it justice - it was big. With a straight gain and that much weight, ash trees aren't very forgiving. The last pics show why I safetied into the other stem. Poor decisions in this job can have eternal consequences. It is not a job you stick with very long if you aren't good.

Can you see me in the tree?

Here goes with the 1st half

The first one hinging like it should.

Calm before the storm.......

Here goes!

What a split. There was a reason I safetied into the other limb.

These pics are dark....I need a new camera....

Thursday, April 07, 2005

This is my view from today. We were clearing trees for a big drill rig that is putting these steel I-beams to reinforce the levy for flood protection on the Isar.

Here you can see the construction from a squirrel's view.

This is the truck I am driving now for work. Looks ok but it is a POS. That is Pete using the Big Shot to set a line in the next tree.

This is a tree I climbed yesterday. We were supposed to reduce it but left it alone since it had a squirrel family and a woodpecker family. You can see a little of a baby squirrel peaking out here. There were 4. I would have pics but the battery went dead!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

It can't be all work.